Friday 12 December 2014

FLATSEVEN Review – A Shop For Every Male

There are many online shops for men’s clothes, although most of them sell both women and men clothes. Through the ones that focus solely on men clothing, there is Flatseven, a men’s designer clothing brand created not too long ago, in 2012. Although the brand is  pretty new, they’re slowly getting known on the market because they produce high quality products. While other brands either are very expensive, either they don’t have a good enough quality, the Flatseven brand has managed to combine both a good quality and an affordable pride, and that’s the best thing about them.
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What is good about Flatseven?

There are a lot of strong points when it comes to Flatseven.
First of all, they use only high quality material. Through the most used fabrics there are the leather and the cotton. Both of these fabrics are natural fabrics that do not irritate the skin at use. They’re comfortable to wear and they look flawless, especially the leather. This material doesn’t scratch too easily and gives elegance to every outfit. Compared to the cotton, it is in fact less used, as it’s better for belts, vests or jackets, but it’s a high quality fabric nonetheless. The cotton however is usually mixed with other fabrics, such as spandex or polyester. The other fabrics give the cotton more strength and resistance, making it harder to rip and resistant to chemicals, stains and even wrinkles. Together, the fabrics make a durable but good looking piece of clothing, that doesn’t cost too much either. That’s exactly the second best point of the Flatseven men clothing, the fact that they’re not expensive. They’re actually pretty affordable and they look great, with different patterns or details that add class or elegance to a normal, casual outfit. Also, the sizes are very well described on the site, so that you will pick the right size.
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The pieces of clothing from Flatseven are shipped worldwide, in over 100 countries. You can get the clothes to you easily, and pay for them just as easily and secure. You can send the clothes back in 30 days, in case you didn’t like them or they didn’t fit you, but that’s mostly unlikely. You can buy almost anything from the site. From jackets and coats, to pants, regular pants or jeans, to shirts or shoes, you can buy them all from the site. There is also a special section dedicated only to men ‘s accessories, such as belts, neckties, bowties or hats. All the clothes can be used in different combinations, creating a professional or casual look, perfect for any event you have to participate to.

Flatseven is slowly becoming one of the best brands, used by men all around the world who simply want to feel good and be comfortable in their clothes, while still keeping a professional look. Made of very good fabrics, but still sold at affordable prices, their clothes make a very good option when it comes to a man’s wardrobe.